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Modern terrace design in hotel and restaurant industry

12 Sep, 2016


  1. Choosing the furniture
  2. Heating your terrace efficiently
  3. Lighting up the terrace
  4. Appropriate flooring
  5. Which plants are suitable

In the recent years, restaurateurs have dedicated themselves to outdoor seating and outdoor cafes as it it a worthwhile additional business. Nowadays developments and innovations offer protection from rain, wind and cold, so that guest can enjoy the terrace for about two thirds of the years.

There are several things owners of culinary establishments need to consider when it comes to outdoor areas. The fees for using public spaces can differ from country to country and even from city to city. There are also recommended opening hours and optional curfews, regulations for noise prevention and guidelines about traffic, which is important if the outdoor seating is located on the pavement, for example. Chambers of commerce often offer a guide that businesses can use a template for their own arrangements.

First of all a licence is required before you can start to plan outdoor seating. If the space is public, such as the aforementioned pavement, additional permits are needed that have to renewed regularly. On private premises building and fire protection codes need to be considered. Furthermore food laws, youth protection and non-smoking laws also have to be taken into account. Building outdoor facilities Outdoor seating in spring There are countless ways to arrange a terrace of culinary establishments in an appealing and cozy way. Systematically heating the area allows guests to stay outdoors even outside the warm spring and summer seasons.

When it comes to designing the terrace, restaurateurs and innkeepers are facing much less restrictions as long as certaing building standards are fulfilled. There are many possibilities to combine hospitality and functionality when designing the restaurant, there is virtually no limit to furniture, heating, lighting, flooring, plants and protection from weather.

Choosing the furniture

Seats and chairs made of rattan, basketwork, synthetic material or waterproof wood are an excellent choice. Aluminium chairs are also very popular due to their light weight and weather resistance. In any case the seats should match the rest of the furnishing in terms of colour and style. Otherwise the terrace gives an impression of a mere extension of seating area, instead of appearing like a harmonious overall concept. 

It is also important not to underestimate the value of high-quality material. Seats for patios and terraces are not only subjected to constant use, but also to harsh weather conditions. Especially if the premises do not have any possibility to safely store the seats and protect them from rain, chairs made of rattan, wicker and wood might not be the best choice. 

Another important aspect regarding seating are comfort and, for that matter, cushioning. Modern bars like to set up couches, sofas or other lounging furniture to create the most relaxing atmosphere possible. Nevertheless it is essential to also consider practicality. Cushions need to be removed during rain or at least be covered up.

Tables made of wood, metal, synthetic material or a combination of all have proven to be a good choice. Round folding tables are particularly popular, because the mechanism makes storage during winter much easier. Tables also have to be weatherproof and easy to clean. Nothing appals potential customers more than worn out, dirty tables.

Nowadays there are also different kinds of tables with integrated heating. That way, an infrared heater for example can create pleasant heat directly around the table. There are also heaters that actually function as a bar table. This allows owners to offer their guest convenience, appealing design and an outdoor lounge area at the same time



Heating your terrace efficiently

Efficiently heating the entire complex allows owners to extend the season for sitting outside and to attract guests to stay on the terrace even if the weather is cold. There are several devices that are often used, in most cases they are operated either with gas or electricity. 

Gas heating and infrared heating both have their benefits. Whereas mobility and coverage speak in favour of gas heaters, heating with infrared has the advantage that surroundings are heated in a sustainable and even manner. Heating with gas however is much quicker and more effective. Only a couple of minutes need to pass until a patio heater is warming up its surroundings. A lot of gas is consumed, though, which is why patio heaters are often subject to criticism when it comes to power balance. They also pose a certain danger, since it operates on actual gas. Unprofessional handling can lead to the heater to fall over and cause a fire.

Many infrared heaters are powered by electricity. Generally, this might be more expensive than gas, but a considerably lower energy consumption makes up for this flaw. The balance can be improved even further if green electricity is used. The heat radiation does not simply heat up the circulating air, in fact, it heats up surfaces instead. Still the perceived temperature is slightly lower than the real temperature so that an increased radiation intensity is required. Infrared heaters also need to be handled professionally and must be mounted to walls and furniture with an appropriate safety distance. Infobox infrared heater

Practicality and appealing design are aspects of infrared heaters that are beneficial in hotel and restaurant industry. For example, the terrace could be supplied with music by permanently installed infrared heaters that is equipped with loudspeakers. Portable heaters are just as mobile as gas-fuelled patio heaters, where guests can stay directly next to the heat source or even use the heaters as furniture if they have storage space.

Lighting up the terrace

Efficiently lighting on the terrace reduces not only the dangers of an accident by illuminating dark paths and corners, it is also a central, aesthetic element of the exterior design of the entire establishment. Generally speaking, there are many ways to illuminating a terrace, such as:
  • Ceiling lights
  • Wall mounted lights
  • Standard lamps
  • Candles
  • Torches
Easy cleaning and low maintenance should, apart from consumption and appealing looks, be a focal point regarding lighting. Lamps made of stainless steel are particularly weatherproof and are easy to clean so that a safe and clean use of the lamp is guaranteed at any time.

Infrared heaters can be used for this as well, at least to a certain extent. Modern ceiling heaters also have the ability to function as lighting in addition to their intended purpose. The intensity of the light depends on the model and can at least add to an atmospheric ambience.

Wall lamps are often found in culinary establishments because they save space on the ground and usually offer an even greater radius of light than standard lamps. Many models are furthermore able to light up a specific target area. In case they are equipped with motion detectors they can light highly frequented areas that do not require constant lighting in an eco-friendly, efficient manner.
Atmosphere in the evening Lighting is a powerful element that helps create the perfect atmosphere.
Standard lamps are traditionally used in outdoor areas to mark footpaths. They are also ideal to bring attention to adornments, such as flower beds. In this case it is important to consider design and material, because these lamps are much more “visible“ than units on walls or ceilings, that is why they should look particularly appealing. Candles and torches be positioned in similar spaces like standard lamps and create an intimate, romantic atmosphere. In the long run however, it is very time-consuming to ignite them one by one, they are also not ideal in windy spots.

Appropriate flooring

The floor of the terrace should definitely pick up the colour scheme of the indoor area to create a harmonious overall concept. There are many possible materials that can be used:
  • Concrete
  • Stone
  • Tiles
  • Wood floor
  • Wood-Plastic-Composite (WPC)
  • Pebble stones

When choosing the material it is important to note that the building itself sets the tone, whereas the terrace is only supporting the overall concept. Concrete is probably the most common floor material that you will see in outdoor areas – in the best case, however, it appears cold, in the worst case it appears tacky. Floors made of stone creates a natural ambience and becomes even better looking over the course of time due to the patina effect. However it requires a lot of effort to implement. Tiles are easy to clean, but pose a great danger as well, particularly if they are slippery. Similarly to stone, wood floors also radiate with a warm and natural glow, it even feels comfortable. Solid wood like oak, Douglas fir or pine tree are recommended. If you are only going for the natural wood look without the actual material, Wood-Plastic-Composite (WPC) might be just right for you. Those deals are generally more expensive that genuine wood, but cleaning and caring for them is much easier and, more importantly, cheaper. Pebble stones have become more popular recently. They are low-priced, if required the terrace can simply be filled up again, and they are replaced without much effort, for example if you want to change the colour. On the other hand, this type of floor material is very inconvenient for wheelchair users or baby strollers.


Which plants are suitable

A carefully selected choice of plants adds to a cosy atmosphere which also serves to separate single parts of the terrace from each other. Big plants like palm trees or banana plants are popular, because they get us in a relaxed holiday mood. Olive and lemon trees create a southern, tropical atmosphere. The plants should be chosen to match each other, without too much variety so that the overall concept remains uniform. Several materials, such as clay, metal or synthetic material with natural finish are a good choice to match the concept. Apart from big hedges and bushes, awnings and walls can protect customers from wind and rain.

In the end we can give the following tips for designing outdoor seating areas:
  • Pay attention to uniformity and applicability
  • Extend the outdoor season with heat sources
  • Choose materials that create an atmospheric ambience


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