
Spare glass for CasaFan ceiling fan

spare glass globe for various CasaFan ceiling fans with lighting

glass shade without light kit or lamps

Item number E8000447

item currently not available, estimated delivery time of maximum 10 weeks

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

After breakage or loss of the glass this item provides the possiblity to exchange the lamp glass. The glass fits various models of the brand and can be easily installed. Just order and screw it on. The spare glass for CasaFan ceiling fans will be shipped without socket and bulbs, you receive the spare glass shade only.

Dimensions and technical details

Model Diameter socket Diameter total Height
Titanium 22cm 25.5cm 7cm
Mirage / Libeccio 21.6cm 23cm 9cm
Eco Aviatos / Mercury 19cm 23cm 7.5cm
Multimax 19.5cm 20cm 7.5cm
Aerodynamix Eco 18.5cm 20.5cm 6.5cm
Eco Cono 26cm 26cm 0.3cm


tab placehold

CasaFan GmbH
Senefelderstr. 8
63594 Hasselroth