Would you like to export the goods you ordered to a country that does not belong to the EU? Get a VAT refund!

We can refund the calculated VAT for your order from creoven if you are exporting goods to non-EU countries.

You can download the official document for VAT purposes directly on our site

Download pdf (German)

Please send the following documents in a timely manner, meaning within 3 months after the date of invoice to:

webtotrade GmbH
Käthe Kollwitz Str. 22
04600 Altenburg

We need:
Original export certificate or original invoice, each of them with a customs stamp

  • Verification of the buyer: copy of the ID card or extract from the Commercial Register
  • If you are employing the services of your own shipping company for a merchandise value of up to 1,000 €: Certificate and identification of the shipping company
  • For a merchandise value above 1,000 €: electronic export certification

After receipt of the complete documentation the VAT will be refunded as quickly as possible.

Important information:
Refunding VAT is only possible if the invoice recipient is also the person who exports the goods!

To prevent complicated errands at the embassy: Already enter the foreign address as invoice address during the purchase.